Designer, author, songwriter and inventor, Bob Crelin has spent most of his life exploring the creative boundaries of our modern world. His award-winning, original product design for Gibraltar Drum Hardware, Gretsch Drums, Takamine Guitars, Ovation Guitars & Dixon Drums has influenced the look of musical instruments and accessories worldwide. Bob's popular first book, There Once was a Sky Full of Stars is now in its third printing. His unique new book, Faces of the Moon (July 2009) is in its second printing, and set the stage for Bob's companion Moon Gazers' Wheel invention. He has been interviewed for, and written many feature articles on outdoor lighting regulation and design. In 2004, Bob was honored with the Astronomical Leagues Walter Scott Houston Award for his years of devotion, working to preserve the night sky for our children. Bobs award-winning, night sky-friendly light fixture, The GlareBuster, is changing the way homeowners light their homes. An avid songwriter, he has produced, recorded and performed original music for over 35 years. 2012's new single release, Another Pretty Face BC is now available through all major digital download stores (iTunes, CD Baby, Amazon, etc).